Frequently Asked Questions
The questions below are ones we most frequently get asked by members of the public. If your query is included in this list, the answer will help you or will redirect you to the correct person/authority. If your question is not included in the list, please ring us on 01684 566667 or fill in the form below.
Car Parking
For information on car park fees, civil parking enforcement, residents’ permits, and applying for a blue badge, please visit Malvern Hills District Council’s webpage on ‘Parking and Streets’.
Council Tax – contact MHDC 0300 456 0560
Malvern Hills District Council (MHDC) issues a council tax bill to all households at the beginning of the financial year. If you have any queries about your bill such as how to pay, discounts and exemptions, or moving house please contact MHDC on 0300 456 0560 or go to MHDC’s council tax pages
Road issues, traffic, drainage
Worcestershire County Council works to maintain and enhance the condition of roads, verges, pavements, road signs, road markings, street furniture, street lighting and bridges. For more information or to report an issue, please visit their website.
I can’t get through to Malvern Hills District Council
Malvern Town Council is a different council to Malvern Hills District Council. This list of telephone numbers should help you with your enquiry.
Great Malvern Cemetery enquiries
Information about the history of the cemetery, interment fees and opening times can be found under ‘What we do’. Or call us on 01684 566667, or email Julia Winkworth.
Trees and overhanging branches
We maintain trees and vegetation on land belonging to the Town Council only. Some trees will be on areas of land owned by Malvern Hills District Council or Malvern Hills Trust and in the case of overgrown footpaths, by Worcestershire County Council.
Public toilets
The public toilets in Malvern and surrounding areas are maintained by Malvern Hills District Council. Find a list of public toilets and opening times by here.
Grass cutting
Our Operations Team are very busy during the summer with grass cutting and maintaining the flower beds and hanging baskets. All areas of grass are cut in rotation.
Bus Shelters, Litter Bins and Benches
You will find a list of all the bus shelters, litter bins and benches that we maintain here. Please ring the office if you have any concerns.
Bins and Collections
Malvern Hills District Council are responsible for collection of household rubbish and recycling each week. Visit their website for more information, including how to report a missed collection, arranging help in putting your bin out or to arrange a bulky waste collection.
Planning Enquiries
Malvern Hills District Council is the local planning authority. Visit their website to search for applications, see the planning weekly list or read the planning advice and guidance.
Playpark issues
You can find a list of our play areas here. If you would like to report an issue with one of the play areas or any of the equipment within them, please telephone us on 01684 566667.
Gas lamps not working
There are one hundred and nine gas lamps situated around Malvern. Twenty are owned by the Town Council, sixteen by the District Council, twenty-five by West Malvern Parish Council and forty-eight by Malvern Wells Parish Council.
The gas lamps maintained by the Town Council are at Heywell Walk (2), Hospital Road (3), Moorlands Road (5), Ninety-Nine Steps (4), North Malvern Quarry (1), Poolbrook Common (2), St Matthias Churchyard (2) and Woodshears Road/Priory Road footpath (1, not active). If you would like to report a fault with any of the Town Council’s gas lamps, please ring 01684 566667.
Worcestershire Regulatory Services
Worcestershire Regulatory Services is a shared service delivering Environmental Health functions (food safety, health and safety and many aspects of pollution control) and Licensing administration on behalf of the six district councils in Worcestershire: Bromsgrove, Malvern Hills, Redditch, Worcester City Council, Wychavon and Wyre Forest.
Can I be a Councillor?
The next scheduled elections in Malvern Hills District are District and Parish Council elections in May 2027. If you would like to find out more about becoming a councillor, please visit the district council’s website for more information. We will also have more information nearer the time relating to the Town Council elections.
Does Malvern have an Emergency Plan?
An emergency plan is designed to enable to community to respond to a major incident/emergency, while they are awaiting the assistance of the emergency services and/or district/county council. Please click here for further details on Malvern Hills District Council’s website.
If you did not find the answer you were looking for, please use the ‘contact us’ form: